Ordway Building Supply (OBS), located in Ordway, CO, (population of approximately 1,300) has done business for the past 50+ years in the lower Arkansas Valley as well as the entire state of Colorado, and throughout the nation. Our friendly staff has over 100+ years combined design expertise in all areas of residential design and construction. Kitchen and bath projects are our passion.
At right, a visitor looks through an array of cabinet color samples on the OBS Showroom floor.
All roads lead to Ordway, CO. The trip you make will be worth the time and savings for your home design needs. If coming to Ordway and your city is not listed below, click here to figure traveling distance and time. We look forward to meeting you and helping to make your home design a reality. Times and distances are from Mapquest.
Colorado City/Town | Miles | Driving Time |
Colorado City/Town | Miles |
Driving Time |
Alamosa, CO | 152.2 | 2 hrs. 39 min. | Greeley, CO | 193.9 | 3 hrs. 26 min. | |||
Boulder, CO | 183.7 | 3 hrs. 4 min. | Loveland, CO | 205 | 3 hrs. 22 min. | |||
Denver, CO | 159.5 | 2 hrs. 36 min. | Pueblo, CO | 53.1 | 1 hr. | |||
Durango, CO | 301.6 | 5 hrs. 33 min. | Salida, CO | 145 | 2 hrs. 43 min. | |||
Ft. Collins, CO | 218.6 | 3 hrs. 34 min. | Trinidad, CO | 93.4 | 1 hr. 34 min. | |||
Grand Junction, CO | 334 | 6 hrs. 13 min. | Walsenburg, CO | 79.3 | 1 hr. 23 min. | |||
Surrounding City/States | Miles | Driving Time |
Surrounding City/States | Miles | Driving Time |
Albuquerque, NM | 344 | 5 hrs. 18 min. | Garden City, KS | 180.6 | 3 hrs. 10 min. | |||
Cheyenne, WY | 256.7 | 4 hrs. 7 min. | Raton, NM | 114 | 1 hrs. 55 min. | |||
Colby, KS | 219 | 3 hrs. 31 min. | Sante Fe, NM | 290.6 | 4 hrs. 35 min. |
Ordway Building Supply (OBS) has done business for the past 35 years that covers not only the entire state of Colorado, but has also expanded its kitchen and bath design expertise "from coast to coast."
Entire State of Colorado | Stockton, KS | Key West, FL | Merced, CA |
Raton. NM | Newton, KS | Flagstaff, AZ | Stanislaus, CA |
Sante Fe, NM | Springfield, MO | Phoenix, AZ | Stockton, CA |
Las Cruces, NM | Chicago, IL | Yuma, AZ | Sacramento, CA |
Goodland, KS | Elgin, IL | Riverside, CA | Placerville, CA |
Sharon Springs, KS | Milwaukee, WI | San Bernardino, CA | Auburn, CA |
Oakley, KS | Waupun, WI | Hollywood, CA | Redding, CA |
Do you have questions about about designing or remodeling for your dream kitchen or other areas of your home? Our staff at OBS can can help you! Call us at (719) 267-3555 between 8 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or send us an email and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.
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